Litigation Documents

MNCOGI v. City of Minneapolis: Documents

The following links showcase key documents from the MNCOGI v. City of Minneapolis lawsuit:

Complaint: MNCOGI v. City of Minneapolis

MNCOGI’s 2021 complaint, which set out the basis for MNCOGI’s Data Practices Act lawsuit.

Order on Motions for Partial Summary Judgment

Judge Janisch’s order relating to the definition of “disciplinary action” to be used in the case.

Order for Submissions

Judge Janisch’s order to the parties to formulate a discovery plan.

Discovery deficiency letter

Letter from MNCOGI’s counsel to attorneys for the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Federation regarding discovery deficiencies.

Letter regarding discovery process

Letter from MNCOGI’s counsel to Judge Janisch, asking the Court to order Defendants to cooperate with the discovery process after a number of discovery delays.

Letter: “Defendants doubled down, stating that ‘coaching has [n]ever been acknowledged or otherwise treated as a form of discipline.’ … We now know that none of that it true: Defendants have produced documents showing that, form at least 2015 through 2022, multiple chiefs and supervisors explicitly told officers they were being coached as a form of discipline. Discovery has also revealed the misleading nature of many other statements by Defendants.”

Attachments to letter regarding discovery process

Attachment’s to MNCOGI’s letter regarding the discovery process. The attachments include public documents that describe coaching as disciple that were never turned over to MNCOGI.

MNCOGI’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

Proposed order granting summary judgment.

MNCOGI’s Brief for Partial Summary Judgment

Brief of MNCOGI arguing for partial summary judgment to be awarded in its favor, and referencing deposition and hearing transcripts and key documents obtained through discovery.

Declaration of Leita Walker with Exhibits A-K

Declaration filed with partial summary judgment brief

Walker Exhibits A-K

Declaration of Isabella Salomao Nascimento, with numerical exhibits

Declaration and exhibits filed with partial summary judgment brief.

Public Exhibits part 1

Public Exhibits part 2

Public Exhibits part 3

Public Exhibits part 4

Public Exhibits part 5

Public Exhibits part 6

Public Exhibits part 7

Public Exhibits part 8