Birth Record Address Data

Birth Record Address Data
Near the end of the 2015 session, language was added to a Senate health care bill that would have converted address information contained in birth records to “private” data.

Data classification prior to session
For decades, address information contained on birth records has been publicly available.

MNCOGI position
As a going matter, MNCOGI opposes the conversion of public data to a “not public” status unless a compelling public interest can be demonstrated. As such, MNCOGI opposed the proposed classification change.

Language dealing with the proposed data classification change was amended onto SF 1458.

Procedural history
SF 1458 was approved by the full Senate, and was sent to conference committee for reconciliation with the House omnibus HHS bill, which did not contain the data classification change. The data provision was stripped out during conference negotiations.

Address information contained in Minnesota birth records is public data.