Attorney General data

MNCOGI spokesperson Don Gemberling testified before the Legislative Commission on Data Practices regarding problems with the Minnesota Supreme Court’s new interpretation of the Attorney General’s data classification statute. Two years ago, the Court issued a 4-3 decision that reversed forty years of interpretive practice, and provided the Attorney General with expanded discretion to withhold data about its operations.

The Data Practices Commission (which holds hearings related to open government and other data matters) took testimony on the court’s opinion, as well as on a bill (HF 2480) designed to return the Attorney General’s statute to its former effect. MNCOGI spokesperson Don Gemberling testified about the problems with limiting public access to information relating to the state’s top law enforcement officer, and spoke to the history of the statute from the standpoint of someone who was closely involved in its initial formulation.

Watch the committee hearing here:

Read MNCOGI’s written submissions here:

MNCOGI comments to the Commission on Data Practices

MNCOGI Written Testimony in Support of HF 2480

Public Record Media & MNCOGI Amicus Brief in EPA