Ask-a-Librarian at Government Information Online

Thanks to Karen Thompson and the SLA mailing list for sending the following our way:

Does the prospect of searching for government information give you the heebie-jeebies? Well, I have a pleasant surprise for you. It is a free online information service called Government Information Online (GIO): Ask a Librarian at This live chat and e-mail service began in 2004, so it may already be in your favorites. If it is not, you might take it out for a spin or a five-minute exploration.

“…you can ask government information librarians who are experts at finding information from government agencies of all levels (local, state, regional, national international) on almost any subject…”

“GIO is … supported by nearly twenty public, state and academic libraries throughout the United States. All participants are designated Federal depository libraries in the U.S. Government Printing Office’s Federal Depository Library Program. Many are also official depository libraries for their other types of governments and public agencies.”